TRAVELBLOG News, events, videos and posts from our social networks

Everything Ready for ADDIOPIZZO 20

Everything Ready for ADDIOPIZZO 20

The Exhibition Celebrates Twenty Years of Addiopizzo by Comitato Addiopizzo
Support the MuST23 project

Support the MuST23 project

MuSt23 - Museo Stazione 23 Maggio is an innovative project of memory and regeneration in Capaci (Sicily). It will use virtual and augmented reality to offer an immersive and emotional experience. We need your help to make it happen!
MuST23 - Station Museum May 23rd

MuST23 - Station Museum May 23rd

Presentation of the project of the new interactive and immersive museum about the 1992 mafia massacre of Capaci of 1992 and to the memory of the prosecutor Giovanni Falcone.
From Copenhagen to Palermo: story of a successfull project

From Copenhagen to Palermo: story of a successfull project

Today we are going to tell you about a new experience, at least for us, and highly formative for those involved: a European exchange with an interesting Danish company, as part of the Erasmus + project.
We have a need - and a dream

We have a need - and a dream

The Coronavirus emergency is putting our existence at major risk. So we decided to assist each other, to bet on our values and our communities. BUY AND DONATE A "SUSPENDED TOUR"
No Mafia Memorial: the first phase completed

No Mafia Memorial: the first phase completed

Mayor Leoluca Orlando has officially presented the keys of Palazzo Gulì to Umberto Santino, the president of Centro Impastato. It is here where the antimafia museum of Palermo will be born. Project partners to include both Comitato Addiopizzo and Addiopizzo Travel.
Why you should book a place on our Palermo NoMafia tour!

Why you should book a place on our Palermo NoMafia tour!

Read what Charlotte Higgins thinks about Palermo and our NoMafia tour in her article for Travel and Leisure, ‘Why you should book a trip to Palermo now, before the rest of the world does’.

The Youth Social Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Region

Oxfam Italy realized a dossier about social and young entrepreneurship in the mediterranean for the Med project, including the Addiopizzo Travel's experience among good practicies-cool people.
Addiopizzo Travel: Leading the revolution

Addiopizzo Travel: Leading the revolution

In this is an English translation of the article by Professor Nino Vaccaro. Together with Matthew Lee e Tommaso Ramus, he made a research about Addiopizzo Travel, approved by the Academy of Management Journal.
TO DO Contest 2018, last call for entries

TO DO Contest 2018, last call for entries

We are glad to contribute to spread the information about the new edition of the award won by Addiopizzo Travel in 2011.
No Mafia: Let's Give Color to our Dreams

No Mafia: Let's Give Color to our Dreams

Celebration in Capaci (Palermo) on the 21st of May, two days before the anniversary of the massacre that in 1992 killed the prosecutor Giovanni Falcone, his wife and his bodyguards.
Schwelle Foundations Peace Award

Schwelle Foundations Peace Award

We have the privilege to tell you that Addiopizzo has been nominated for the International Bremen Peace Award 2017, in the category 'Encouraging Initiatives'.


...a fantastic and very illuminating tour!
ChangemakerXchange: the Ashoka summit in Palermo with Addiopizzo Travel

ChangemakerXchange: the Ashoka summit in Palermo with Addiopizzo Travel

It will bring together 25 of the region’s top young social entrepreneurs who have developed their own innovative solutions in all fields of social change. It will take place for the first time in Sicily, from 14th to 18th December 2016.
Palermo and the Anti-mafia tour according to The Guardian

Palermo and the Anti-mafia tour according to The Guardian

The British newspaper write abouts the city "like nowhere else in Europe" and recommends the ''No Mafia tour'' by Addiopizzo Travel.

Leanne prove that one person/organisation can indeed make a difference.
Corleone beyond the Mafia: special price

Corleone beyond the Mafia: special price

Discover the real Corleone with us! Every Thursday special price € 40 per person,
An ''Addiopizzo tour'' narrated by an American travel writer

An ''Addiopizzo tour'' narrated by an American travel writer

In "The Joys of Travel: And Stories That Illuminate Them" the author Thomas Swick describes his "Days with the Antimafia"
May 8th: Cyclopride Day in Palermo

May 8th: Cyclopride Day in Palermo

Cyclopride is a national event that promotes the use of the bike and the bike culture. Addiopizzo Travel participates to the Palermo edition with lots of acrivities, including short bike tours in the old town centre and bike rental!
Angelo Provenzano ''testimonial'' for groups of American tourists

Angelo Provenzano ''testimonial'' for groups of American tourists

On the last months the son of one of the most violent Mafia boss from Corleone works for an American tour operator giving his testimony to the groups.
A mafia-free bike itinerary at World Travel Market in London

A mafia-free bike itinerary at World Travel Market in London

On 4th November 2014 at 3.30 PM, in WTM London, stand Sicilia EM 1975, Addiopizzo Community presents ‘The Heart of Sicily. No-Mafia Bike Tour’, With ‘Sensi Contemporanei A.P.Q. Dynamic Systems For Tourism’ Programme.
Addiopizzo Travel becomes tour operator

Addiopizzo Travel becomes tour operator

After a few years of setting in with the support of the tour operator A.L.I., in 2013 Addiopizzo Travel has become a cooperative, and it has now obtained recognition as tour operator.
Sicily in Cinema and Literature

Sicily in Cinema and Literature

We are creating an itinerary focusing the Sicilian settings of film and novels. Give us your opinion about your favorite ones and suggest us ideas for a new "pizzo-free" tour!
Paesaggi d'autore: free tours in Palermo

Paesaggi d'autore: free tours in Palermo

On the 27th and 31st of December in Palermo two new itineraries will be offered free of charge, planned as "literary walks". The project is a collaboration between Addiopizzo Travel and theTourism, Sports and Entertainment Departments of the Sicilian Region.
Coventry University Trip 2011

Coventry University Trip 2011

As part of an ongoing relationship between Addiopizzo and MA students of Terrorism, Organised crime and Global Security at Coventry University, 24 students attended a study trip in Sicily with Addiopizzo Travel to learn, first person, about the mafia and antimafia. This also gave them an opportunity to explore and experience Italian and Sicilian culture, cuisine and history.
Discover Sicily and support the fight against the Mafia!

Discover Sicily and support the fight against the Mafia!

Addiopizzo Travel provides ethical tours of Sicily. We do this by taking tourists to those businesses who have said “no” to the Mafia’s requests for protection money. The name given to this protection money is ‘Pizzo’, join us and you will travel “mafia-free” and ‘pizzo-free’!


...The memory of participating in the lives of Sicilians and Italians where ever I traveled as well as absorbing the sites, sounds, and smells of Italy are as nice a souvenir as I could ever hope to find...

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