People&Places makes the travel experience unique

  • Acireale

    It stands at the foot of Etna on a terrace of lava origin overlooking the Ionian Sea.

  • Agrigento

    The ruins of the Temple Valley, the counrtyside dotted with almond trees, the sea far on the horizon: the Classical Antiquity penetrate in the traveler's soul with a perfect armony of history, architecture and landscape.

  • The 'Falcone Tree'

    Placed in front of the house of the anti-mafia prosecutor, after the massacre of Capaci this tree became the symbol of the rebellion against the mafia and of the rebirth of the Sicilian people.

  • Aspra

    It’s a small fishermen village set on the promontory that closes at east the Gulf of Palermo. The small harbor is a string of peculiar wooden boats jauntily colored.

  • Bagheria

    The “Town of the Villas” is famous especially because of the most bizarre of the residences of the nobles, the “Villa of the Monsters”.

  • Borgo Parrini

    A hamlet with few houses, mostly abandoned and dilapidated, has been restored by the initiative of local entrepreneurs and transformed into a surprising homage to the art of Gaudi.

  • Caccamo

    Medieval town of great historical and artistic interest, dominated by the imposing castle built overhanging a cliff. In Caccamo was held the first experience of critical consumption in support of a victim of Pizzo.

  • Caltavuturo

    Picturesque village perched on a rocky wall on the edge of the Madonie Park, Caltavuturo hosts the MOPS, Museo dell'Opera dei Pupi Siciliani delle Madonie."

  • Capaci

    Capaci is one of the places that represent instantaneously both the brutal mafia’s violence and the Sicilians’ rebellion against the oppression exercised by Cosa Nostra. On the 23rd of May of 1992 the anti-mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and three men of their security detail were killed.

  • Capo Gallo

    A small but spectacular marine reserve very close to the city.

  • Capo Rama

    The oriented natural Reserve of Capo Rama is a rock platform precipitous on the sea, rugged and savage, covered by a thick vegetation of cactus, agaves, and other plants that resist to sun and salt.

  • Castelvetrano

    In the territory of Trapani, Castelvetrano is renowned for the production of extra virgin olive oil.

  • Catania

    A bichromatic city like the keyboard of a piano, in which white marble stands out on the lava stone facades of churches and palaces, and on which looms the black mass of Etna, often whitewashed with snow.

  • Cefalù

    A picturesque town on the coast between Palermo and Messina, whose silouhette in unmistakable thanks to the cliff of the "Rocca" and to the belltowers of the Arab-Norman Duomo.

  • Cinisi

    The city in which Peppino Impastato, young activist who rebelled against the mafia inside and outside his home, lived, and where he was killed because of his rebellion in 1978.

  • Corleone

    Thousands of people in the world have heard about Corleone: mainly because of the mafia, and also because of Hollywood. But only a few of them have seen it with their own eyes. And who did has been fascinated by it.

  • Erice

    On the top of Monte San Giuliano, the medieval village of Erice rises up, with its perfectly preserved old town centre, the bare stone houses, the cobblestone alleys and 360 degrees landscape overlooking the backcountry, Trapani and the Egadi islands.

  • Etna

    The highest active volcano in Europe is a true wonder of nature

  • Ficuzza

    Fully immerged in in the woods appears the town of Ficuzza, with a few dozens of inhabitants and a few, small houses wrapped around the majestic “Real Casina di Caccia”, a realm that used to belong to the Borbone.

  • Isola delle Femmine

    It is a small village of fishermen a few miles away from Palermo. The same name identifies also the small island located in front of the village, less than a mile from the shore.

  • Lago Poma

    An artificial basin that has been created in the 1960s because of the will of the people, thanks to the non-violent battles of Danilo Dolci, the “Gandhi of Sicily”.

  • Marsala

    The name of this small town with a Mediterranean flavor is related to the production of the famous fortified wine and to landing of Garibaldi, from there the Italian national hero began the unification of Italy. In the nearby, the Saline (=salt pans) of the Stagnone: there, everyday, the sunset is an unforgettable natural show.

  • Marzamemi

    Marzamemi is a dream village. This small town seems to come out of an old tale.

  • Mazara del Vallo

    A wonderful territory, a country of culture and ancient crafts.

  • Modica

    Its old town offers an amazing view: houses, alleys and churches ''climb' literally on both sides of a wide river valley.

  • Mondello

    An enchanting beach, a crystal clear sea, the liberty-style houses built during the first years of the 1900, and a picturesque small port that reminds of the origins of Mondello as sea village.

  • Monreale

    Set on the hills that dominate the Conca D’oro, the valley that surrounds Palermo, famous for its Arabic-Norman Cathedral, Monreale is at the center of an agricultural territory that today takes back and makes productive the lands that used to belong to the mafia bosses.

  • Monte Pellegrino

    According to Goethe, this is “the most beautiful promontory in the world”. I stands out lonely as a sentinel in front of the sea, making the skyline of Palermo and Mondello unique.

  • Palazzo Adriano

    Charming village of the Sicilian inland, immerged in luxuriant nature, Palazzo Adriano was selected by the movie director Giuseppe Tornatore for the movie “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso”, which won the Oscar in 1990 for Best Foreign Language Film.

  • Palermo

    It is impossible to describe the Sicilian capital without noting its contrasts: elegance and decadence, light and shadow, rich and poor, metropolitan and provincial, joy and sorrow, perfumes and stenches, Mafia and Anti-Mafia. A city which captivates, stupefies, and sometimes shocks visitors; it certainly isn’t an experience one forgets.

  • Segesta

    The archaeological area includes a Doric temple in perfect condition and a theater partly dug into the hill: the landscape behind it offers a perfect backdrop.

  • Selinunte

    The ancient Greek town rised up on a calcareous plateau overhanging the sea, between two rivers. Once rich and densely populated, it was destroyed by the Carthaginians and then by a violent earthquake in the Byzantine period (VI-IX century). A walk in the vast aera of the archaeological park (the largest in Europe), through the ruins of ...

  • Piana degli Albanesi

    A Greek-Albanian enclave, this place has maintained its traditions intact. Every Sunday, the shores of its lake attract hikers and families willing to relax, as well as its famous cannoli attracts the gourmands.

  • Portella della Ginestra

    Here, on May 1 1947, the bandit Salvatore Giuliano and his gang shooted on a crowd gathered to celebrate the Labour Day. Eleven people were killed. The history on the new born Italian Republic started with such a massacre.

  • Punta Secca

    Tiny seaside village, today famous especially for the presence of the "Casa di Montalbano

  • Ragusa

    Immersed in a very rich territory of natural and architectural beauties to visit

  • Salemi

    Situata nel cuore della Valle del Belice e circondata da uliveti e vigneti, la cittadina arabo-medievale ospita un interessante museo della mafia.

  • Sant'Angelo Muxaro

    A little and fascinating village few kilometers far from Agrigento

  • Scicli

    Rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693, the elegant town develops scenically at the confluence of three limestone canyons.

  • Siracusa

    Syracuse is not only a city in which you can live, but to live. ( Leonardo Sciascia)

  • Terrasini

    Picturesque fishermen village; its beveled shore offers a continuous series of striking panoramas on bays, beaches and towers.

  • Trapani

    It is the sea that embraces the city of Trapani to be today as in the past its main source of life.

  • Trappeto

    The small fishing village, still genuine and little touristy, in the fifties was chosen by Danilo Dolci as the starting point of his social work and his non-violent battles.

  • Via d'Amelio

    In this place the anti-mafia prosecutor Paolo Borsellino and 5 members of his security detail died on the 19th of June 1992. The mafia blew off a bomb hidden in a car parked in the street while the prosecutor was going to visit his mother.

  • Anna Puglisi

    Cofounder with her husband Umberto Santino of the “Centro siciliano di documentazione Giuseppe Impastato”, she is the author of numerous biographies of Sicilian women, victims of the mafia or anti-mafia militant activists. She has founded in 1984 the Association of Sicilian women fighting against th...

  • Antonio Vassallo

    Photographer of Capaci, he was there when, on the 23rd of May 1992 the mafia blew up the interstate where Giovanni Falcone was traveling, killing him together with his wife and the men of his security detail. He took a few pictures right after the massacre, providing them to the investigators.

  • Dario Riccobono

    Born and raised in Capaci, after the 1992 massacre that killed the prosecutor Giovanni Falcone, he chose to commit himself against the Mafia and for his territory. He is one of the founding members of Addiopizzo, president of Addiopizzo Travel and fellow of Ashoka.

  • Don Cosimo Scordato

    Anti-mafia priest who is fully committed on the territory, he has founded in 1985 the “Centro Sociale San Saverio” in the neighborhood called Albergheria in Palermo, becoming the promoter of a series of grassroots initiatives: housing, employment, redevelopment, and aid to children and seniors.

  • Donatella Pucci

    Owner of the Agriturismo Guarnera, Donatella has been actively involved in both the antimafia and the environmentalist cause with the determination of a lion.

  • Fabio Conticello

    Owner of the famous Palermitano restaurant Antica Foccaceria San Francesco, Fabio decided along with his brother Vincenzo to report all extortionate demands to the police. This was a courageous act which made them a symbol of the rebellion against the mafia, a choice which has since been imitated by...

  • Federico Blanda

    He is a passionate trip leader and activist in Corleone, collaborating closely with local antimafia museums to offer comprehensive insights into the history of the territory. He provides a unique perspective on the town, which is still often associated with both the real-life and fictional Godfather...

  • Florinda Saieva

    Together with the husband Andrea Bartoli, she created Farm Cultural Park in the historic center of Favara, close to Agrigento. It is a project of urban and social renewal focused on Contemporary Art.

  • Gery Ferrara

    Dr Ferrara is a State anti-mafia prosecutor who has overseen many mafia cases, and more recently lots of human trafficking/smuggling cases. He also worked in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague. He participate as speaker in meetings with foreign students, boith...

  • Giovanni Impastato

    Younger brother of Peppino Impastato, the activist killed by the mafia in 1978, is among the founders of the “Casa Memoria Felicia e Peppino Impastato”. His heart-felt and sincere voice tells the conflict of whom experienced both the mafia and the anti-mafia inside his own home, together with the st...

  • Libera activists

    The activists of the association created by Don Ciotti promote the social re-utilization of the goods seized from the mafia. Some of them manage first-hand agricultural companies and agritourisms built on lands that used to belong to the most powerful exponents of the mafia.

  • Lucio Gionti

    Owner of Caffè del Kassaro, he will prepare for you an excellent mafia-free cappuccino. In the past he was attacked by the mobsters, with threatening phone calls, with fire. He has remained steadfast in his opposition to the mafia, even after they tried to force him to install poker machines. Liter...

  • Marco Ferro

    Among the one thousand shopkeepers who rebelled to the Mafia there is Marco, owner of "A! Ma che bontà": in his shop you can find typical Sicilian products and souvenir... but you will NEVER find the gadgets of the Godfather!

  • Marilena Bagarella

    She was born in Corleone and she still lives there. Manager of the "Laboratory of Legality", she mainly works on education and non-profit networks.

  • Moltivolti

    Moltivolti is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic project: a restaurant with a Sicilian-ethnic and popular cuisine and a co-working space dedicated to the third sector.

  • Pierfilippo Spoto

    Trekking guide specialized in relational tourism in Sicily

  • Umberto Santino

    Founder of the “Centro siciliano di documentazione Giuseppe Impastato” of Palermo, he is one of the main scholars of the mafia phenomenon, author of a numerous literary essays, as well as one of the most rigorous and steadfast anti-mafia militant activist. He is also the promoter of the 'No Mafia Me...