Lucio Gionti

Owner of Caffè del Kassaro, he will prepare for you an excellent mafia-free cappuccino. In the past he was attacked by the mobsters, with threatening phone calls, with fire. He has remained steadfast in his opposition to the mafia, even after they tried to force him to install poker machines. Literally, he threw them and their rigged staff out of his café.

TRAVELTOUR You can meet Lucio Gionti in these tours:

  • Weekend Palermo Antimafia

    City break in the capital of Sicily, to learn about the Anti-mafia movement and the rebellion against the priotection money. Three days to discover Palermo in an original way and to enjoy a vibrant and emotional city and its mix of styles, cultures and traditions.
    • 3 days
    • minimum 2
    • on demand