Everything Ready for ADDIOPIZZO 20

The Exhibition Celebrates Twenty Years of Addiopizzo by Comitato Addiopizzo

On the morning of June 29, 2004, the city of Palermo woke up to find its streets plastered with hundreds of black-bordered stickers bearing the message: «A people who pay the pizzo are a people without dignity».

From that summer in 2004 to today, those stickers have contributed to active engagement in promoting anti-extortion consumer practices, supporting victims of extortion, reflecting on the role of politics and the quality of public consensus, boosting social inclusion, and promoting urban regeneration in the poorest neighborhoods of Palermo. This process has been arduous and sometimes disheartening, but it has also yielded remarkable positive results and satisfaction.

Twenty years after that day, Addiopizzo is sharing its story and its journey of active citizenship through an exhibition.

The initiative will be hosted at the No Mafia Memorial Antimafia Museum, thanks to the invaluable collaboration of our friends at the Centro Siciliano di Documentazione Giuseppe Impastato Onlus. Photos, videos, prints, original drawings, and newspaper articles provided by Giornale di Sicilia and La Repubblica of Palermo will illustrate the breaking of the silence on the pizzo extortion system, the support for shopkeepers and entrepreneurs who found the courage to speak out, the involvement of young people in schools , for social inclusion and urban regeneration.

These twenty years have marked the beginning of a cultural shift which, although not yet fully realized, has seen unprecedented and significant advances in the fight against extortion rackets and in building a supportive and empowered community.

L’inaugurazione della mostra “ADDIOPIZZO 20” è in programma sabato 29 giugno alle ore 11.30 al No Mafia Memorial, in corso Vittorio Emanuele 353. We look forward to sharing memories and emotions of what has been and the outlook towards which we continue to direct our gaze and commitment.