Support the MuST23 project

MuSt23 - Museo Stazione 23 Maggio is an innovative project of memory and regeneration in Capaci (Sicily). It will use virtual and augmented reality to offer an immersive and emotional experience. We need your help to make it happen!

What comes to your mind when the name 'Capaci' is mentioned? Perhaps nothing. You might not even be aware that Capaci is a town in Sicily, Italy, located not far from Palermo. 

Alternatively, it might vaguely remind you of the Mafia and its violence.

However, if you were Italian, you would immediately associate 'Capaci' with the murder of the ‘Anti-mafia prosecutor’ Giovanni Falcone

Whether you vividly remember this terrible event or not, this project might be relevant to you.

We are establishing the 'MuST23 - May 23 Museum-Station' in Capaci. This innovative project will serve as an interactive and immersive multimedia museum dedicated to the 1992 Mafia attack. Its purpose is to uphold the memory of this tragic event and propel the ongoing fight and resilience against the Mafia.

May 23, 1992, stands as a pivotal moment – an Italian 9/11. The devastating explosion that razed a significant section of the highway, claiming the lives of Prosecutor Falcone, his wife and three police escort agents, marked the onset of a harrowing era of mafia-driven bombings. Yet, it also echoed through the hearts of an entire generation of young Sicilians who resolved to raise their voices.

MuST23 emerges from their ranks, alongside them, and for the generations that will follow. Anchored in the recollection of that violence, it will disseminate a culture of legality and nurture civic participation. Situated in Capaci, its aim is to infuse the region with hope, cultivating a future for the community while serving as an enduring reminder for all.
