Our Mission

Mafia-free tourism, a new frontier for the ethical tourist, supports those who rebel against the Mafia dominion.

We offer you a land of extraordinary cultural and  artistic heritage. An experience which balances beauty with social duty.  This is an opportunity to understand, first hand, the most important moments, people and places of the Anti-Mafia movement. We want to show our visitors the real face of Sicily, above and beyond stereotypes and tourist traps.  We want to restore dignity to our country and raise the profile of the people who are fighting for change.  We want our guests to be captivated by this experience so that they may have the same enthusiasm as us. 

The businesses which we use for our tours do not pay pizzo (this is the Italian name for protection money, a sort of "extorted tax" imposed by the Mob). They are owners of hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, farms and transport agencies who have made the brave decision to rebel against the Mafia. Some of them work in premises confiscated from bosses of Cosa Nostra.
Whoever travels with us chooses accommodation facilities certified by Addiopizzo and travels 100% pizzo-free.  Take a stand and aid the development of circulating a clean economy.  Take a stand and support the volunteers working on the front line of this social conflict.  Take a stand and help us stop the Mafia receiving a single cent of your money. 

A part of the revenue of Addiopizzo Travel is donated to local NGO which plays an active role in our tours: Comitato Addiopizzo, Casa Memoria Peppino e Felicia Impastato a Cinisi, Libera, Centro Sociale San Francesco Saverio, Centro Siciliano di Documentazione "Giuseppe Impastato". In particular, the funds we donate to Addiopizzo is used for publicize the communication campaing against the Mafia, strenghten the mafia-free shops and business network and contribute to the social, cultural and recreational activities with children and teenagers in the poorest areas of Palermo.

Our tour operator emerged from Addiopizzo as an extension of the ethical consumer strategy against  the pizzo it specifically targets the tourism sector.
This grassroots Anti-Mafia movement was founded in 2004 by a group of young people under one slogan: an entire people which pays pizzo is a people without dignity. The strategy used by Addiopizzo in its work is wholly innovative: ethical consumerism against the pizzo. People's selective purchases support businesses which do not give in to the extortionate demands of the Mafia and openly side against them. Addiopizzo urges society to commit to change and encourages a collective cultural revolution against the Mafia.
To find out more… www.addiopizzo.org

The Team

Our "mafia-free tourism" project originated from an idea had by Dario Riccobono, Francesca Vannini Parenti and Edoardo Zaffuto, the co-founders of the " Addiopizzo Commettee”. All are currently still involved full-time in the association. Our challenge is to combine our voluntary activities in Addiopizzo Commette with our new job in Addiopizzo Travel. With time, the Addiopizzo Travel team has grown, welcoming Chiara Utro and Enza Sorci who are tasked with managing the study trips, bike tours and oversee the booking process. Finally Daniela Ballarò joined the team with the important role of keeping the accounts in order.

The  trip leaders play an essential role for Addiopizzo Travel, accompanying the travellers during the tour and offering a direct connection to Sicily and the antimafia movement.

We  are eternally grateful to the interns, volunteers, students and scholars who, for either longer or shorter periods of time, from close and from afar, have worked with us and continue to give us invaluable help. A massive thank you to; Kirstin Burow, Miriam Mascellaro, Pico Di Trapani, Christine Harlacker, Nora Leszak, Simon May, Daran Jones, Jakob Littmann, Sebastian Wittkopf, Sonja Siersch, Monica Cinà, Daniela Battaglia, Olly Rhode, Libby Key, Paola Cavallari, Stefania Fontana, Felicia Mazzara, Julie Loire, Fabian Ryom, Mads Larse, Ella Dorfman.

trip leaders

Goals & Accomplishments Goals achieved and new horizons: here the history and the work plan of Addiopizzo Travel.

2009 Birth Addiopizzo Travel emerges as a branch of the Anti-mafia ognanization Addiopizzo: an extension of the ethical consumer strategy against the pizzo it specifically targets the tourism sector.
2010 APQ Project The Regional Touristic Department of the Sicilian Region chooses Addiopizzo Travel as the recipient of a grant directed to the planning of touristic itineraries capable of highlighting the Sicilian territory in its several components and resources, and to the internationalization of the touristic product “Sicily”. It is the project A.P.Q. “Systematic Actions for the Tourism” between the Department for the Economic Development and Cohesion of the Ministry for the Economic Development and the Touristic Department of the Sicilian Region with the initiative “3 NEW – Sicily pizzo-free”, for the planning of two itineraries on cinema and literature in Sicily and cycle-tourism.
2011 Paesaggi d'Autore Addiopizzo Travel presents two literary tours: "The Sea by the City" and "Palermo Theatre Noir". They are the outcomes of the interregional project “Author Landscapes”, aimed at the organization of two activities of territorial entertainment.
2012 To Do! Contest Addiopizzo Travel wins the TO DO! CONTEST in 2011, an International award dedicated to responsible tourism projects.
2013 Pionieri Addiopizzo has been one of 10th realities identifiable as social enterprises, associations, or Italian startup to be recognized as Pionieri by the association RENA. The “pioneer projects of social innovation and responsibility” had been inserted in an e-book presented to the Italian Parliament in Rome in April 2014. 
2016 AITR Addiopizzo Travel's office in Isola delle Femmine becomes regional headquarter of AITR, Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile – Italian Association for Responsible Tourism. 
2016 Ashoka Addiopizzo Travel joins Ashoka, the largest network of social entrepreneurs worldwide.
2017 Social cooperative Addiopizzo Travel becomes a Social cooperative. According to the Italian Law, "social cooperatives pursue collective benefit, human promotion and social integration of the community.
2021 Erasmus+ in Copenhagen Addiopizzo Travel and the Danish organization Fonden Kantara are involved in an Erasmus+ exchange and cooperation project
2023 First tour outside Sicily For the first time, Addiopizzo Travel "lands" beyond regional borders with a trip to Campania: "Naples, a new perspective." A different territory, but the same themes and values: urban regeneration, the fight against the Camorra, and social and cultural integration.
2024 MuST23 opens to the public MuST23 - MUseum STation May 23rd is an innovative project by Addiopizzo Travel in collaboration with the Associazione Capaci No Mafia, funded through internal resources and public and private contributions. Using virtual reality, it offers an immersive and emotional experience that reconstructs the 1992 mafia bombing that killed the anti-mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone, his wife, and their security team.. www.must23.it

2023: qualche numero
Nell'arco del 2023 hanno viaggiato con noi:

11355 viaggiatori

4470 studenti